Apr 22Liked by Sifar Jirgale

Interesting observations Sifar.

This is not unique to Germany though.

India, also has a East-Wesy divide, with West India doing much better exonomically than Eastern India. Sanjeev Sanyal has interesting observations in this regard, in case you are interested in reading.

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I agree, this is definitely not unique to Germany! A particular region of a country being more developed than other is more common than not. China, for example, has a more developed coastline (due to trade, river deltas, etc). But, the case of Germany was particularly fascinating to me because Germany has been a developed country for more than 100 countries (ever since the German Unification in 1871). West Germany was always a very developed country, yet when they united with the East, they weren't able to get them up to pace (at least not yet).

I would definitely check out Sanjeev Sanyal's observations, it would be interesting to see!

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